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Hellfire Hands Small Scale DPS BuildHellfire Hands Small Scale DPS Build

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Arreat Regaro
Updated 12/12/2024
Small Scale
Small ScalePVP

Hellfire Hands
Hellfire Hands
ShockwaveTriple KickInfernal BoulderHard to Catch
Assassin Hood
Assassin Hood
MeditationQuick Thinker
Jacket of Tenacity
Jacket of Tenacity
Dynamic DefenseBalanced Mind
Royal Sandals
Royal Sandals
Defenseless RushAggression
Martlock Cape
Martlock Cape
Hood of Tenacity
Hood of Tenacity
Nasty WoundsQuick Thinker
Stalker Shoes
Stalker Shoes
Raging Blink
Avalonian Cape
Avalonian Cape

Resistance PotionMajor Resistance Potion
StewBeef Stew


BagHellfire HandsResistance Potion
Assassin HoodJacket of TenacityRoyal Sandals
Martlock Cape
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