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Albion Journal GuideAlbion Journal Guide

Complete list of all achievements and rewards in Albion Online. Track your progress and discover all available journal entries.

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Last updated: February 24, 2025

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The Journal in Albion Online is your personal achievement tracker that helps you discover the world and earn valuable rewards. This comprehensive guide lists all available achievements and their rewards, including:

  • PvE Activities and Expeditions
  • Solo and Group Random Dungeons
  • Roaming Mobs and Static Dungeons
  • Dynamic Encampments
  • Faction-specific achievements
  • Rare encounters and special events

Complete activities to write pages in your Journal and earn rewards like Silver Bags, Tomes of Insight, Learning Points, and exclusive vanity items.

Click on an entry to mark it as complete. Your progress will be saved to the browser's local storage.

Filter by Reward Type
Completed Entries

Expeditions (18)

Finish a T3 Solo Expedition
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 4 Solo Expedition
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 4 Group Expedition
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 5 Solo Expedition
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 5 Group Expedition
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish a Tier 6 Group Expedition
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Finish a T5 Solo Expedition within 7 minutes
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Finish a T6 Group Expedition within 10 minutes
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Finish a T5 Solo Expedition within 5 minutes
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish every non-hardcore Expedition
Curious Excavation, Preaching to the Dead, Fishy Business, Stone Wars, Lumber Lunacy, Lurking Underneath, Fungicide, Three Sisters, Fistful of Silver, Eternal Battle, In the Raven's Claws
Map (Lvl. 1) - Lumber Lunacy
Map (Lvl. 1) - Lumber Lunacy
Finish any Hardcore Expedition
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Finish a Level 4 Hardcore Expedition
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Finish a Level 8 Hardcore Expedition
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Finish a Level 12 Hardcore Expedition
Scroll of Repair
Scroll of Repair
Finish a Level 18 Hardcore Expedition
Scroll of Repair
Scroll of Repair
Finish a Level 18 Hardcore Expedition within 10 minutes
Scroll of Repair (x2)
Scroll of Repair (x2)
Finish 5 different Level 18 Hardcore Expeditions
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Finish every Hardcore Expedition on Level 18
Preaching to the Dead, Fishy Business, Stone Wars, Lumber Lunacy, Lurking Underneath, Fungicide, Three Sisters, Fistful of Silver, Eternal Battle, In the Raven's Claws
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)

Solo Random Dungeons (26)

Finish a T3 Solo Dungeon
Carrot Soup
Carrot Soup
Finish a Tier 4 Solo Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Finish a Solo Dungeon of every Faction
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Unlock 10 chests in Solo Dungeons
Expert's Dungeon Map (Solo)
Expert's Dungeon Map (Solo)
Finish a Tier 5 Solo Dungeon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish 3 Solo Dungeons with a Map
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Finish an enchanted Solo Dungeon without using a map
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Unlock 30 chests in Solo Dungeons
Adept's Dungeon Map (Group)
Adept's Dungeon Map (Group)
Finish an Enchantment Level 2 Solo Dungeon
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Finish an Enchantment Level 3 Solo Dungeon
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 6 Solo Dungeon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat a T5 boss with T3 equipment on your own
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish an Enchantment Level 4 Solo Dungeon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Use 30 combat buff shrines in Solo Dungeons
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish a Tier 7 Solo Dungeon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish a Tier 8 Solo Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Finish a Tier 8.4 Solo Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Unlock 100 chests in Solo Dungeons
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat a T6 boss with T3 equipment on your own
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat a T7 boss with T3 equipment on your own
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat a T8 boss with T3 equipment on your own
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Finish 30 Solo Dungeons
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x4)
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x4)
Finish 100 Solo Dungeons
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x7)
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x7)
Finish 300 Solo Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x9)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x9)
Finish 600 Solo Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x12)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x12)
Finish 1,000 Solo Dungeons
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

Roaming Mobs (34)

Defeat 12 T3 Roaming Mobs
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Defeat 50 T4 Roaming Mobs
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3 mobs with your mount standing next to you
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Defeat 4 Roaming Mobs within 10 seconds
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat a Roaming Mob with any armor slot ability
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat 80 T5 Roaming Mobs
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 10 Roaming Mobs within 30 seconds
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 mobs while flagged for Faction Warfare
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 8 Roaming Mobs within 10 seconds
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 5 Roaming Mobs in a Red Zone
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 120 T6 Roaming Mobs
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Defeat 200 T7 Roaming Mobs
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Roaming Mobs in a Black Zone
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Defeat 300 T8 Roaming Mobs
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 30 Roaming Mob Champions
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Roaming Mob Champions
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Defeat 300 Roaming Mob Champions
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat 1,000 Roaming Mob Champions
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 3,000 Roaming Mob Champions
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 10 Roaming Mob Mini Bosses
Ice Sculpture: Obsessed Cultist
Ice Sculpture: Obsessed Cultist
Defeat 30 Roaming Mob Mini Bosses
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Roaming Mob Mini Bosses
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 300 Roaming Mob Mini Bosses
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3 Roaming Mob Bosses
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 10 Roaming Mob Bosses
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 30 Roaming Mob Bosses
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Roaming Mob Bosses
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Gain 100,000 Fame from Roaming Mobs
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gain 300,000 Fame from Roaming Mobs
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Gain a million Fame from Roaming Mobs
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Gain 3 million Fame from Roaming Mobs
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Gain 10 million Fame from Roaming Mobs
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Gain 30 million Fame from Roaming Mobs
Community Token (x50)
Community Token (x50)
Gain 100 million Fame from Roaming Mobs
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)

Static Dungeons (23)

Defeat 20 mobs in a T3 Static Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 mobs in a T4 Static Dungeon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 mobs in a T5 Static Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 150 mobs in a T6 Static Dungeon
Minor Calming Potion
Minor Calming Potion
Defeat 200 mobs in a T7 Static Dungeon
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat 300 mobs in a T8 Static Dungeon
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Participate in a Static Dungeon Event
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Gain 100,000 Fame during a Static Dungeon rally
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gain 10,000 Fame in Static Dungeons
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Gain 100,000 Fame in Static Dungeons
Riding Horse Skin: Brown Mare
Riding Horse Skin: Brown Mare
Gain a million Fame in Static Dungeons
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Gain 10 million Fame in Static Dungeons
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gain 30 million Fame in Static Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Gain 100 million Fame in Static Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Kill 100 Champions in Static Dungeons
Ice Sculpture: Cursed Archer
Ice Sculpture: Cursed Archer
Kill 300 Champions in Static Dungeons
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Kill 1,000 Champions in Static Dungeons
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Kill 30 Mini Bosses in Static Dungeons
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Kill 100 Mini Bosses in Static Dungeons
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Kill 300 Mini Bosses in Static Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Kill 10 Bosses in Static Dungeons
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Kill 30 Bosses in Static Dungeons
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Kill 100 Bosses in Static Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)

Dynamic Encampments (34)

Unlock an open world Small Camp Cache in a Yellow Zone
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Interact with a Lair Map in an Encampment
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Finish a Boss Lair
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Unlock 10 open world Small Camp Caches in a Yellow Zone
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Finish 3 Boss Lairs
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Unlock 25 open world Small Camp Caches
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Unlock an open world Group Camp Cache in a Yellow Zone
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish a Group Boss Lair
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Unlock 10 open world Group Camp Caches
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Unlock an open world Small Camp Cache from 3 different Factions
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Unlock 50 open world Small Camp Caches
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Finish 15 Boss Lairs
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Unlock a Legendary open world Small Camp Cache
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Unlock 15 open world Group Camp Caches
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish 5 Group Boss Lairs
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Unlock an open world Group Camp Cache from 3 different Factions
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Unlock an open world Small Camp Cache in the Outlands
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish a Boss Lair in the Outlands
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Unlock 5 open world Small Camp Caches in the Outlands
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 8 Boss Lair
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Unlock an open world Group Camp Cache in the Outlands
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Finish a Group Boss Lair in the Outlands
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Unlock 5 open world Group Camp Caches in the Outlands
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Clear a Tier 8 Group Boss Lair
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight (x3)
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight (x3)
Unlock 300 open world Small Camp Caches
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Unlock 600 open world Small Camp Caches
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Unlock 1000 open world Small Camp Caches
Elder's Tome of Insight (x2)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x2)
Finish 100 Boss Lairs
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish 300 Boss Lairs
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Unlock 50 open world Group Camp Caches
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Unlock 100 open world Group Camp Caches
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Unlock 300 open world Group Camp Caches
Elder's Tome of Insight (x10)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x10)
Finish 30 Group Boss Lairs
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish 100 Group Boss Lairs
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)

Group Random Dungeons (20)

Finish a Tier 4 Group Dungeon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Finish a Tier 5 Group Dungeon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Finish 2 Enchantment Level 1 Group Dungeons
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Finish 3 Enchantment Level 2 Group Dungeons
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Finish 5 Enchantment Level 3 Group Dungeons
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Finish a Tier 6 Group Dungeon
Wardrobe Skin: Bard's Hat
Wardrobe Skin: Bard's Hat
Finish a Tier 7 Group Dungeon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish a Tier 8 Group Dungeon
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Finish a Tier 8.4 Group Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Kill the legendary Morgana Demon General, Keeper Earth Aspirant, Undead Reaper, and Heretic Shadowmask
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Unlock 10 chests in Group Dungeons
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Unlock 30 chests in Group Dungeons
Master's Dungeon Map (Large Group)
Master's Dungeon Map (Large Group)
Unlock 100 chests in Group Dungeons
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Unlock 500 chests in Group Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Finish 10 Group Dungeons
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish 30 Group Dungeons
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Finish 80 Group Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Finish 150 Group Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Finish 300 Group Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Finish 500 Group Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)

Tracking (27)

Track down a solo Rare Creature
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Track down a T4 solo Rare Quarry
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Track down 3 types of solo Rare Creature
Keeper Symbol of Power
Keeper Symbol of Power
Track down a T5 solo Rare Quarry
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Track down 4 types of solo Rare Creature
Adept's Werewolf Remnant
Adept's Werewolf Remnant
Track down a T6 solo Rare Quarry
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Track down 5 types of solo Rare Creature
Adept's Hellfire Imp Remnant
Adept's Hellfire Imp Remnant
Finish a hunt at the first encounter
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Track down 6 types of solo Rare Creature
Adept's Runestone Golem Remnant
Adept's Runestone Golem Remnant
Track down a T7 solo Rare Quarry
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Track down 7 different solo Rare Creatures
Shadow Panther, Sylvian, Spirit Bear, Werewolf, Hellfire Imp, Runestone Golem, Dawnbird
Adept's Dawnbird Remnant
Adept's Dawnbird Remnant
Track down a T8 solo Rare Quarry
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Track down a group Rare Creature
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Track down 3 types of group Rare Creature
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Track down 5 types of group Rare Creature
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Track down 7 types of group Rare Creature
Shadow Panther, Sylvian, Spirit Bear, Werewolf, Hellfire Imp, Runestone Golem, Dawnbird
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x5)
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x5)
Track down a T8 group Rare Quarry
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish a solo Rare Creature hunt in 4 minutes
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish a solo Dawnbird hunt in 10 minutes
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Finish a group Rare Creature hunt in 4 minutes
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Finish a group Dawnbird hunt in 10 minutes
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Finish 10 hunts
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Finish 20 hunts
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Finish 40 hunts
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Finish 80 hunts
Wardrobe Skin: Green Navigator's Coat
Wardrobe Skin: Green Navigator's Coat
Finish 200 hunts
Elder's Bag of Silver (x8)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x8)
Finish 500 hunts
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)

World Bosses (20)

Defeat 10 Elite mobs in a World Boss Area
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Elite mobs in a World Boss Area
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat a Mini Boss in a World Boss Area
Morgana Cultist Statue
Morgana Cultist Statue
Defeat 5 Mini Bosses in a World Boss Area
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat a Boss in a World Boss Area
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat the Earth Mother
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Defeat 20 Mini Bosses in a World Boss Area
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 5 Bosses in World Boss Areas
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat the Harvester
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Defeat 50 Mini Bosses in World Boss Areas
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 20 Bosses in World Boss Areas
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat the Demon Prince
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Defeat 1,000 Elite mobs in a World Boss Area
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Defeat a T8 World Boss
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Defeat every T8 World Boss
Harvester of Souls, Great Mother of the Earthkeeper, Prince of Morgana
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Defeat a World Boss in every possible area
Camlann, Astolat, Inis Mon, Citadel of Ash, Eye of the Forest, Eldersleep, Unhallowed Cloister, Deathreach Priory, Black Monastery, Wailing Bulwark, Daemonium Keep
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Defeat 200 Mini Bosses in World Boss Areas
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Defeat 50 Bosses in World Boss Areas
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Defeat 10 World Bosses
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Defeat 30 World Bosses
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)

Avalonian Dungeons (23)

Finish a T6 Avalonian Dungeon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Receive the Ascension buff at the end of an Avalonian Dungeon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat every Avalonian Dungeon boss type
Avalonian Knight Captain, Avalonian Construct, Avalonian Crystal Basilisk, Avalonian High Priestess, Avalonian Archmage
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Finish a T7 Avalonian Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat Sir Bedivere with the Ascension buff active
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Finish a T8 Avalonian Dungeon
Elder's Tome of Insight (x6)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x6)
Finish a T8.1 Avalonian Dungeon
Elder's Tome of Insight (x7)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x7)
Finish a T8.2 Avalonian Dungeon
Elder's Tome of Insight (x8)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x8)
Finish a T8.3 Avalonian Dungeon
Elder's Tome of Insight (x9)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x9)
Finish a T8.4 Avalonian Dungeon
Elder's Tome of Insight (x10)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x10)
Finish 5 Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Finish 10 Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x12)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x12)
Finish 20 Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Finish 40 Avalonian Dungeons
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Finish 60 Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Finish 100 Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x30)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x30)
Unlock 10 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Unlock 20 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Unlock 40 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Bard's Hat
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Bard's Hat
Unlock 100 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Unlock a Legendary Chest in an Avalonian Dungeon
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Unlock 160 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Unlock 300 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)

Buying Items (21)

Buy a weapon at the Marketplace
Novice's Tome of Insight
Novice's Tome of Insight
Buy 5 Equipment Items at the Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Spend 10,000 Silver on items at the Marketplace
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Spend 100,000 Silver on items at the Marketplace
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Buy 10 Equipment Items from the Marketplace
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Spend a million Silver on items at the Marketplace
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Create a Buy Order
Royal Green Fireworks (x3)
Royal Green Fireworks (x3)
Spend 10 million Silver on items at the Marketplace
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Shoes
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Shoes
Spend 100 million Silver on items at the Marketplace
Community Token (x20)
Community Token (x20)
Spend a billion Silver on items at the Marketplace
Community Token (x30)
Community Token (x30)
Buy 30 Equipment Items at the Marketplace
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Buy 100 Equipment Items at the Marketplace
Royal Red Fireworks (x3)
Royal Red Fireworks (x3)
Buy 1,000 Equipment Items at the Marketplace
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Buy 10,000 Equipment Items at the Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Buy 100,000 Equipment Items at the Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Buy 100 Items at the Marketplace
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Buy 1,000 Items at the Marketplace
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Buy 10,000 Items at the Marketplace
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Buy 100,000 Items at the Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Buy a million Items at the Marketplace
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Buy 10 million Items at the Marketplace
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Beer Mug
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Beer Mug

Selling Items (24)

Sell any item through the Marketplace
Novice's Tome of Insight
Novice's Tome of Insight
Sell items for 10,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Sell items worth 100,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Royal Green Fireworks (x3)
Royal Green Fireworks (x3)
Sell 10 Luxury Goods directly to their preferred city
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create a Sell Order
Royal Blue Fireworks (x3)
Royal Blue Fireworks (x3)
Sell items worth 1,000,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Create 20 Sell Orders
Royal Red Fireworks (x3)
Royal Red Fireworks (x3)
Sell 1000 Luxury Goods directly to their preferred city
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Sell any item on the Black Market in Caerleon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Sell items worth 10,000,000 Silver at the Marketplace
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Sell 9999 Luxury Goods directly to their preferred city
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Create a Sell Order on the Black Market
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Sell items for 100 million Silver at the Marketplace
Wardrobe Skin: Purple Rich Noble's Hat
Wardrobe Skin: Purple Rich Noble's Hat
Sell items for a billion Silver at the Marketplace
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Earn a million Silver through the Black Market
Regal Carpet
Regal Carpet
Earn 10 million Silver through the Black Market
Transport Ox Skin: Black Market Ox
Transport Ox Skin: Black Market Ox
Earn 100 million Silver through the Black Market
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Earn a billion Silver through the Black Market
Community Token (x100)
Community Token (x100)
Directly sell 9999 preferred luxury goods to Fort Sterling
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Directly sell 9999 preferred luxury goods to Lymhurst
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Directly sell 9999 preferred luxury goods to Bridgewatch
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Directly sell 9999 preferred luxury goods to Martlock
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Directly sell 9999 preferred luxury goods to Thetford
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Directly sell 9999 preferred luxury goods to Caerleon
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)

Refining (22)

Refine 30 T2 resources
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Refine 60 T3 resources
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Refine 100 T4 resources
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Transmute 10 resources to Uncommon
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Refine 200 T5 resources
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Transmute 20 resources to a higher tier
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Refine 400 T6 resources
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Transmute 25 resources to Rare
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Refine 400 T7 resources
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Transmute 30 resources to Exceptional
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Refine 400 T8 resources
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Transmute 50 resources to Pristine
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Use the Fort Sterling refining bonus
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Use the Lymhurst refining bonus
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Use the Bridgewatch refining bonus
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Use the Martlock refining bonus
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Use the Thetford refining bonus
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Refine 1,000 Resources
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Refine 5,000 Resources
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Refine 10,000 Resources
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Refine 50,000 Resources
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Refine 100,000 Resources
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion

Crafting (25)

Craft 3 T2 Equipment Items
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Craft 10 T3 Equipment Items
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft an item in a Royal City
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Eat a salad that improves your crafting
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Craft 40 T4 Equipment Items
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Use a city's crafting bonus
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Craft an Outstanding quality Equipment Item
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Craft 60 T5 Equipment Items
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft 20 Uncommon items
Heretic Stove
Heretic Stove
Craft an Excellent quality Equipment Item
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Craft 80 T6 Equipment Items
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft 30 Rare items
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Craft a Masterpiece quality Equipment Item
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Craft 100 T7 Equipment Items
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft 50 Epic items
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Use a crafting bonus in a Hideout
Community Token (x50)
Community Token (x50)
Craft 100 T8 Equipment Items
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft 50 Pristine items
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Craft a Pristine T8 item
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Craft a Pristine T8 Masterpiece
Community Token (x200)
Community Token (x200)
Craft Items worth 10,000 Fame
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Craft Items worth 100,000 Fame
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft items worth a million Fame
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Craft items worth 10 million Fame
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion (x2)
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion (x2)
Craft items worth 100 million Fame
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion (x3)
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion (x3)

Item Conversions (22)

Study an item
Novice's Tome of Insight
Novice's Tome of Insight
Salvage an item
Novice's Tome of Insight
Novice's Tome of Insight
Reroll an item at a Repair Station
Novice's Tome of Insight
Novice's Tome of Insight
Meld resources into an Artifact at the Artifact Foundry
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Meld 10 Soul Artifacts
Glass Sphere
Glass Sphere
Meld 30 T5 Artifacts
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Meld 100 T6 Hunter Artifacts
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Meld 100 T8 Avalonian Artifacts
Community Token (x30)
Community Token (x30)
Create 50 Souls with Transmutation
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Create a T8 Dungeon Map with Transmutation
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Create a Masterpiece item by rerolling it at a Repair Station
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Reroll a full stack of 999 items at a Repair Station
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Salvage 100 items
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Salvage 1,000 items
Carnival Arch
Carnival Arch
Salvage 10,000 items
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Study 100 items
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Study 1,000 items
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Study 10,000 items
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Reroll 100 items
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Reroll 1,000 items
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Reroll 10,000 items
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Reroll 100,000 items
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight

Accumulate Wealth (10)

Own 100,000 Silver
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Own 500,000 Silver
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Own 5 Gold
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Own 1 million Silver
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Own 5 million Silver
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Own 10 million Silver
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Princess Hat
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Princess Hat
Own 50 million Silver
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Own 100 million Silver
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Princess Dress
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Princess Dress
Own 500 million Silver
Transport Ox Skin: Auction House Ox
Transport Ox Skin: Auction House Ox
Own 1 billion Silver
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

City Plots (12)

Bid at least 1 million Silver on a city plot
Morgana Carpet
Morgana Carpet
Own a city plot
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Collect 1 million Silver from city plots
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Bid 5 million Silver on a city plot you currently own
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Collect 3 million Silver from City Plots
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Own 3 plots in the same city simultaneously
Wardrobe Skin: Snow Leopard Cape
Wardrobe Skin: Snow Leopard Cape
Collect 10 million Silver from city plots
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Collect 30 million Silver from City Plots
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Own 5 plots in the same city simultaneously
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Collect 100 million Silver from city plots
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Collect 300 million Silver from City Plots
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Collect 1 billion Silver from city plots
Stag Skin: Brown Alpaca
Stag Skin: Brown Alpaca

Resources (33)

Gather 80 Tier 2 resources
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Gather 120 Tier 3 resources
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Gather resources worth 1500 Fame
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Gather 100 Tier 4 resources
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gather 10 resources with Enchantment Level 1
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 150 Tier 5 resources
Adept Quarrier Tome
Adept Quarrier Tome
Gather 10 resources with Enchantment Level 2
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Gather a resource from a Plentiful Resource Node
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gather 10 resources with Enchantment Level 3
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Gather 200 Tier 6 resources
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Gather 100 resources from Plentiful Resource Nodes
Expert Quarrier Tome
Expert Quarrier Tome
Gather 300 enchanted resources
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Robe
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Robe
Gather 500 resources from Plentiful Resource Nodes
Master Lumberjack Tome
Master Lumberjack Tome
Gather any resource at an enemy Territory
Master Ore Miner Tome
Master Ore Miner Tome
Gather 750 enchanted resources
Master Fiber Harvester Tome
Master Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 200 Tier 7 resources
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gather 1,000 resources from Plentiful Resource Nodes
Grandmaster Quarrier Tome
Grandmaster Quarrier Tome
Gather 50 resources at an enemy Territory
Grandmaster Fiber Harvester Tome
Grandmaster Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 1,500 enchanted resources
Grandmaster Ore Miner Tome
Grandmaster Ore Miner Tome
Gather any Tier 8 resource
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Gather a resource with maximum Gather Bonus
Elder Ore Miner Tome
Elder Ore Miner Tome
Gather 200 Tier 8 resources
Elder Lumberjack Tome
Elder Lumberjack Tome
Gather 30 resources with Enchantment Level 4
Elder Quarrier Tome
Elder Quarrier Tome
Gather resources worth 10,000 Fame
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Gather resources worth 25,000 Fame
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather resources worth 50,000 Fame
Master Quarrier Tome
Master Quarrier Tome
Gather resources worth 100,000 Fame
Grandmaster Lumberjack Tome
Grandmaster Lumberjack Tome
Gather resources worth 250,000 Fame
Elder Fiber Harvester Tome
Elder Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather resources worth 500,000 Fame
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Gather resources worth a million Fame
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Gather resources worth 3 million Fame
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Gather resources worth 10 million Fame
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Gather a T8 resource at an enemy territory
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver

Hide Animals (14)

Skin 3 types of Hide Animal
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Skin 6 types of Hide Animal
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Skin 10 types of Hide Animal
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Skin 15 types of Hide Animal
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Hat
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Hat
Skin 22 types of Hide Animal
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Skin 30 types of Hide Animal
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Skin 40 types of Hide Animal
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Skin 52 types of Hide Animal
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Skin 65 types of Hide Animal
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Skin every type of Hide Animal
Bear, Boar, Wolf, Direwolf, Fox, Rabbit, Hill Marmot, Wolpertinger, Snow Rabbit, Marmot, Toad, Fey Fox, Impala, Snake, Cougar, Foglands Doe, Moabird, Giant Toad, Mistcougar Runt, Adult Cougar, Old Mistcougar Runt, Foglands Hart, Giant Stag, Monitor Lizard, Rare Boar, Rare Giant Stag, Rare Monitor Lizard, Grand Foglands Hart, Sabretooth Tiger, Small Mistcougar, Ancient Small Mistcougar, Old Small Mistcougar, Great Mystic Owl, Terrorbird, Giant Snake, Rare Bear, Rare Giant Snake, Majestic Mystic Owl, Rare Terrorbird, Sabretooth Tiger, Mistcougar, Ancient Mistcougar, Old Mistcougar, Ancient Basilisk, Old White, Moose, Feral Wolfhound, Hyena, Swamp Dragon, Old Basilisk Aspect, Old White's Aspect, Rare Hyena, Rare Direwolf, Rare Swamp Dragon, Insatiable Wolfhound, Mature Sabretooth Tiger, Large Mistcougar, Ancient Large Mistcougar, Old Large Mistcougar, Feral Boar, Misthide Mauler, Rhino, Rare Direboar, Ferocious Misthide Mauler, Rare Rhino, Alpha Mistcougar, Alpha Sabretooth Tiger, Ancient Alpha Mistcougar, Old Alpha Mistcougar, Ancient Giant Basilisk, Feral Bear, Dragonhawk, Mammoth, Old Giant Basilisk Aspect, Rare Ancient Mammoth, Rare Direbear, Regal Dragonhawk
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Loot a wild Baby Animal
Direbear Rug
Direbear Rug
Loot 3 wild Baby Animals
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Loot 5 different Baby Animals
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Loot all wild Baby Animals
Adept's Fawn, Swiftclaw Cub, Direwolf Pup, Moose Calf, Direboar Piglet, Swamp Dragon Pup, Direbear Cub, Mammoth Calf
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

Fishing (21)

Catch your first fish
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Catch 3 types of fish
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Eat 10 fish
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Catch 6 types of fish
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Eat 30 fish
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Catch a saltwater fish
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Catch a fish with Fish Bait
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Catch 10 types of fish
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Catch fish worth 3,000 Fame
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Catch 15 types of fish
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Bard's Shoes
Wardrobe Skin: Blue Bard's Shoes
Catch fish worth 10,000 Fame
Keeper Cauldron
Keeper Cauldron
Catch 21 types of fish
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Catch fish worth 30,000 Fame
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Catch 28 types of fish
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Catch a Shark
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Catch all types of fish
Common Rudd, Striped Carp, Albion Perch, Bluescale Pike, Spotted Trout, Brightscale Zander, Danglemouth Catfish, River Sturgeon, Common Herring, Striped Mackerel, Flatshore Plaice, Bluescale Cod, Spotted Wolffish, Strongfin Salmon, Bluefin Tuna, Steelscale Swordfish, Greenriver Eel, Redspring Eel, Deadwater Eel, Upland Coldeye, Mountain Blindeye, Frostpeak Deadeye, Stonestream Lurcher, Rushwater Lurcher, Thunderfall Lurcher, Lowriver Crab, Drybrook Crab, Dusthole Crab, Greenmoor Clam, Murkwater Clam, Blackbog Clam, Whitefog Snapper, Clearhaze Snapper, Puremist Snapper, Shallowshore Squid, Midwater Octopus, Deepwater Kraken, Shark
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Catch fish worth 100,000 Fame
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Catch fish worth 300,000 Fame
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Catch fish worth a million Fame
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Catch fish worth 3 million Fame
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Catch fish worth 10 million Fame
Royal Blue Fireworks (x99)
Royal Blue Fireworks (x99)

Resource Creatures (21)

Harvest 30 resources from Resource Mobs
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Harvest resources from 3 Resource Mob types
Chicken Pie
Chicken Pie
Harvest resources from 7 Resource Mob types
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Harvest resources from 12 Resource Mob types
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest a resource from an Aspect
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Harvest resources from 18 Resource Mob types
Grandmaster Fiber Harvester Tome
Grandmaster Fiber Harvester Tome
Harvest resources from Aspects in every biome
Steppe, Swamp, Mountain, Forest, Highland, Roads of Avalon
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Harvest resources from 25 Resource Mob types
Grandmaster Lumberjack Tome
Grandmaster Lumberjack Tome
Harvest resources from a Guardian in the Roads of Avalon
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest resources from 34 Resource Mob types
Grandmaster Ore Miner Tome
Grandmaster Ore Miner Tome
Harvest 3,000 resources from Aspects
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest resources from 46 Resource Mob types
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Harvest 3,000 resources from Ancient Resource Mobs
Grandmaster Quarrier Tome
Grandmaster Quarrier Tome
Harvest resources from all Resource Mob types
Swamp Spirit, Ore Elemental, Rock Elemental, Forest Spirit, Hemp Dryad, Old Hemp Dryad, Iron Elemental, Old Iron Elemental, Travertine Elemental, Old Travertine Elemental, Pine Spirit, Old Pine Spirit, Skyflower Dryad, Ancient Skyflower Dryad, Old Skyflower Dryad, Mature Ore Elemental, Ancient Titanium Elemental, Old Titanium Elemental, Mature Rock Elemental, Ancient Granite Elemental, Old Granite Elemental, Mature Forest Spirit, Ancient Cedar Spirit, Old Cedar Spirit, Amberleaf Dryad, Ancient Amberleaf Dryad, Old Amberleaf Dryad, Runite Elemental, Ancient Runite Elemental, Old Runite Elemental, Slate Elemental, Ancient Slate Elemental, Old Slate Elemental, Bloodoak Spirit, Ancient Bloodoak Spirit, Old Bloodoak Spirit, Elder Swamp Spirit, Sunflax Dryad, Ancient Sunflax Dryad, Old Sunflax Dryad, Elder Ore Elemental, Ancient Meteorite Elemental, Old Meteorite Elemental, Elder Rock Elemental, Ancient Basalt Elemental, Old Basalt Elemental, Elder Forest Spirit, Ancient Ashenbark Spirit, Old Ashenbark Spirit, Ghost Hemp Dryad, Ancient Ghost Hemp Dryad, Old Ghost Hemp Dryad, Adamantium Elemental, Ancient Adamantium Elemental, Old Adamantium Elemental, Marble Elemental, Ancient Marble Elemental, Old Marble Elemental, Whitewood Spirit, Ancient Whitewood Spirit, Old Whitewood Spirit
Community Token (x200)
Community Token (x200)
Harvest 100 resources from Resource Mobs
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Harvest 300 resources from Resource Mobs
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Harvest 1,000 resources from Resource Mobs
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Harvest 10,000 resources from Resource Mobs
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Harvest 10,000 resources from Aspects
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Harvest 10,000 resources from Ancient Resource Mobs
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Harvest 30,000 resources from Ancient Resource Mobs
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion

Dynamic Resource Hotspots (10)

Gather a resource from a Dynamic Resource Hotspot
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 500 resources from Dynamic Resource Hotspots
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Enter a Resource Mist from a Dynamic Resource Hotspot in the Outlands
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gather 100 resources inside Resource Mists
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Gather 1,000 resources from Dynamic Resource Hotspots
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 500 resources inside Resource Mists
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Gather 10,000 resources from a Dynamic Resource Hotspot
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 1,000 resources inside Resource Mists
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Gather 50,000 resources from a Dynamic Resource Hotspot
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 10,000 resources inside Resource Mists
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver

Biomes (26)

Gather 250 resources in a yellow zone
Heretic Toolboard
Heretic Toolboard
Gather 250 resources in the yellow Mists
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Gather 250 resources in a yellow zone while faction flagged
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gather 250 resources in a red zone
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Gather 250 resources in a red zone while faction flagged
Expert Quarrier Tome
Expert Quarrier Tome
Gather 250 resources in a black zone
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Gather 250 resources in the black Mists
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 250 resources in the Roads of Avalon
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 250 resources in Mountain regions
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Gather 250 resources in Forest regions
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Gather 250 resources in Steppe regions
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 250 resources in Highland regions
Adept Quarrier Tome
Adept Quarrier Tome
Gather 250 resources in Swamp regions
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 1,000 resources in Mountain regions
Master Ore Miner Tome
Master Ore Miner Tome
Gather 1,000 resources in Forest regions
Master Lumberjack Tome
Master Lumberjack Tome
Gather 1,000 resources in Steppe regions
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 1,000 resources in Highland regions
Master Quarrier Tome
Master Quarrier Tome
Gather 1,000 resources in Swamp regions
Master Fiber Harvester Tome
Master Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 1,000 resources in Black Zones
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gather 10,000 resources in Mountain regions
Elder Ore Miner Tome
Elder Ore Miner Tome
Gather 10,000 resources in Forest regions
Elder Lumberjack Tome
Elder Lumberjack Tome
Gather 10,000 resources in Steppe regions
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Gather 10,000 resources in Highland regions
Elder Quarrier Tome
Elder Quarrier Tome
Gather 10,000 resources in Swamp regions
Elder Fiber Harvester Tome
Elder Fiber Harvester Tome
Gather 10,000 resources in Black Zones
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Gather 50,000 resources in Black Zones
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

Cities (12)

Visit a Royal City
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Visit two Royal Cities
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Visit Caerleon
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Visit a Portal Town
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Royal Yellow Fireworks (x3)
Use the Invisibility Shrine in a Portal Town
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Use the S.A.F.E. Portal in a Portal Town
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Use the S.A.F.E. Portal to return to a Portal Town
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Find the lost city of Brecilien
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Purchase an item from Eralia Wayfarer in Brecilien
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Visit all six Royal Cities
Martlock, Lymhurst, Thetford, Fort Sterling, Bridgewatch, Caerleon
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Sandals
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Sandals
Visit a Rest in the Outlands
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Visit all Rests in the Outlands
Arthur's Rest, Merlyn's Rest, Morgana's Rest
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning

Travel (36)

Ride a Horse
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Find a Hidden Treasure in the open world
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Ride an Ox
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Travel 20 kilometers
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Ride a Direwolf
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Find a Coffer Chest in the open world
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Find 5 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Ride an Adventurer's Challenge Mount
Frost Ram, Saddled Terrorbird, Grizzly Bear, Black Panther, Morgana Raven, Gallant Horse, Spectral Direboar, Divine Owl, Heretic Combat Mule, Spectral Bat, Pest Lizard, Snow Husky
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Find 5 Coffer Chests in the open world
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Find 10 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Ride a Faction Warfare mount
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Find 10 Coffer Chests in the open world
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Find 20 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Ride a Mystic Owl from Brecilien
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Find 20 Coffer Chests in the open world
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Find 40 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Ride an Elite Faction Warfare mount
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Find 40 Coffer Chests in the open world
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Find 65 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Ride a Battle Mount
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Find 65 Coffer Chests in the open world
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Find 100 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Ride all Faction Warfare Mounts
Saddled Moabird, Saddled Winter Bear, Saddled Wild Boar, Saddled Bighorn Ram, Saddled Swamp Salamander, Saddled Greywolf, Elite Terrorbird, Elite Winter Bear, Elite Wild Boar, Elite Bighorn Ram, Elite Swamp Salamander, Elite Greywolf
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Find 100 Coffer Chests in the open world
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Find 200 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Elder's Bag of Silver (x8)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x8)
Ride a Transport Mammoth
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Find 200 Coffer Chests in the open world
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Find 500 Hidden Treasures in the open world
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Ride a Command Mammoth
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Travel 50 kilometers
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Travel 100 kilometers
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Walking Staff
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Walking Staff
Travel 200 kilometers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Travel 500 kilometers
Carnival Costume Cart
Carnival Costume Cart
Travel 1,000 kilometers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Travel 3,000 Kilometers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Travel 10,000 Kilometers
Wolf Rider Statue (R)
Wolf Rider Statue (R)

Zone Types (12)

Enter a Yellow Zone
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Earn 10,000 Fame in Yellow Zones
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Enter a Red Zone
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Earn 40,000 Fame in Red Zones
Riding Horse Skin: Keeper Horse
Riding Horse Skin: Keeper Horse
Enter a black zone
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Use the Journey Back ability in a Black Zone
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Earn 100,000 Fame in Black Zones
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Earn 100,000 Fame in Quality Level 2 Black Zones
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Earn 120,000 Fame in Quality Level 3 Black Zones
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Earn 250,000 Fame in Quality Level 4 Black Zones
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Earn 500,000 Fame in Quality Level 5 Black Zones
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Earn a million Fame in Quality Level 6 Black Zones
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

Reputation (7)

Reach the first positive reputation level
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Reach the reputation level: Virtuous
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Reach the reputation level: Noble
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Reach maximum reputation level
Scroll of Repair
Scroll of Repair
Reach the first negative reputation level
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Reach the reputation level: Nefarious
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Reach minimum reputation level
Wardrobe Skin: Entertainer's Costume
Wardrobe Skin: Entertainer's Costume

Mists (33)

Follow a Will o' Wisp into the Mists
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Rescue 10 Wisps
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Open 3 Small Caches
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Open 3 Medium Caches
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Enter Knightfall Abbey
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Open 3 chests in Knightfall Abbey
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Deliver a Weakened Wisp to a Sanctuary
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Gain Accepted status with Brecilien
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Earn 50,000 Fame in Solo Lethal Mists
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Rescue 30 Wisps in Solo Lethal Mists
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Deliver a Weakened Wisp in Lethal Mists
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Open 20 chests in Knightfall Abbey
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Gain 50,000 Fame in Greater Mists
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Rescue 50 Wisps in Greater Mists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Deliver 5 Weakened Wisps in Greater Mists
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Open 100 chests in Knightfall Abbey
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Deliver 50 Weakened Wisps in Solo Lethal Mists
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Earn 500,000 fame in Solo Lethal Mists
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Earn a million Fame in Solo Lethal Mists
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Earn 5 million Fame in Solo Lethal Mists
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Earn 10 million Fame in Solo Lethal Mists
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Earn 500,000 Fame in Greater Mists
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Earn a million Fame in Greater Mists
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Earn 5 million Fame in Greater Mists
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Earn 10 million Fame in Greater Mists
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Open 500 chests in Knightfall Abbey
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Open 2,000 chests in Knightfall Abbey
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Get 'Welcomed' Brecilien standing
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Get 'Favored' Brecilien standing
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Gain 'Esteemed' Brecilien standing
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Gain 'Venerated' Brecilien standing
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
...and how to kill them
Veilweaver, Fey Dragon, Griffin
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Kill a "Mysterious Stranger" that's your friend or ally
Weeping Woman Statue
Weeping Woman Statue

Might & Favor (14)

Earn 100 Might
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Earn 90 Favor
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Trade your Favor for an item at the Energy Manipulator
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Earn 1,000 Might
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Trade your Favor for a Conqueror's Chest at the Energy Manipulator
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Earn 8,000 Might
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Earn 5,000 Favor
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Earn 40,000 Might
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Earn 100,000 Might
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Earn 200,000 Might
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Earn 120,000 Favor
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Earn 1 million Might
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Earn 2 million Might
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Earn 5 million Might
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)

Roads of Avalon (26)

Enter a Road of Avalon
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 mobs in the Roads of Avalon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Open an Avalonian Chest in the Roads of Avalon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Enter a Deep Road of Avalon
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 500 mobs in the Roads of Avalon
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Open a Blue Avalonian Chest in the Roads of Avalon
Present Box
Present Box
Open a Rare Avalonian Chest in the Roads of Avalon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Open 30 Green Chests in Roads of Avalon
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat 2,000 mobs in the Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Open a Yellow Avalonian Chest in the Roads of Avalon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 5,000 mobs in the Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Open 50 Blue Chests in Roads of Avalon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Open 100 Green Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Open a Legendary Chest in the Roads
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Open 150 Blue Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Open a Legendary Yellow Chest in the Roads of Avalon
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Open 50 Yellow Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Open 500 Green Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Open 150 Yellow Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Open 500 Blue Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Open 500 Yellow Chests in Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Earn 1 million Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Earn 3 million Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Earn 10 million Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Earn 30 million Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Community Token (x50)
Community Token (x50)
Earn 100 million Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)

Smugglers (32)

Enter a Smuggler's Den
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Free a Captured Smuggler
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Buy a Round for the Smugglers
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Visit 3 Smuggler's Dens
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Free 4 Captured Smugglers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Buy 5 Rounds for the Smugglers
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Help deliver a Smuggler Crate
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gain Accepted Standing with the Smugglers
Smuggler's Coin
Smuggler's Coin
Visit 6 Smuggler's Dens
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Free 10 Captured Smugglers
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Buy 15 Rounds for the Smugglers
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Help deliver 4 Smuggler Crates
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Visit 10 Smuggler's Dens
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Free 25 Captured Smugglers
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Visit 15 Smuggler's Dens
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Buy 50 Rounds for the Smugglers
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Help deliver 12 Smuggler Crates
Smuggler's Coin (x5)
Smuggler's Coin (x5)
Gain Respected Standing with the Smugglers
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Visit 21 Smuggler's Dens
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Help deliver a Rare Smuggler Crate
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Free 65 Captured Smugglers
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Help deliver 40 Smuggler Crates
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Buy 180 Rounds for the Smugglers
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Help deliver a Legendary Smuggler Crate
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gain Esteemed Standing with the Smugglers
Smuggler's Coin (x10)
Smuggler's Coin (x10)
Visit 28 Smuggler's Dens
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight (x5)
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight (x5)
Free 150 Captured Smugglers
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Buy 500 Rounds for the Smugglers
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Help deliver 120 Smuggler Crates
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Visit 35 Smuggler's Dens
Meltwater Bog, Willowshade Icemarsh, Springsump Basin, Runnelvein Sink, Willowshade Hills, Sunkenbough Woods, Scuttlesink Marsh, Deadpine Forest, Westweald Thicket, Timberslope Grove, Timberscar Copse, Deepwood Copse, Driftwood Hollow, Rivercopse Fount, Drybasin Riverbed, Sunfang Ravine, Thirstwater Steppe, Bleachskull Desert, Farshore Heath, Slakesands Mesa, Sunfang Wasteland, Dryvein Confluence, Sunstrand Quicksands, Murdergulch Cross, Razorrock Verge, Razorrock Bank, Gravemound Knoll, Murdergulch Ravine, Highstone Loch, Floatshoal Floe, Iceburn Firth, Everwinter Peak, Munten Fell, Frostspring Volcano, Whitepeak Tundra
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Help deliver 300 Smuggler Crates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x3)
Gain Venerated Standing with the Smugglers
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)

Arena (27)

Win your first Arena match
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Journeyman's Bag of Silver
Win 5 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Win 10 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Deal 15,000 damage in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Win 20 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Arena Sigil (x20)
Arena Sigil (x20)
Get 5 kills in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Win 35 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Capture 4 Runestones in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Win 50 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Deal 22,000 damage in an single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Win 75 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Arena Sigil (x30)
Arena Sigil (x30)
Take 20,000 damage without dying in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Win 100 Arena or Crystal Arena matches
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Heal 15,000 health in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Win 150 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Arena Sigil (x40)
Arena Sigil (x40)
Get 10 kills in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Win 200 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Deal 30,000 damage in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Win 250 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Capture 8 Runestones in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Win 300 Arena or Crystal Arena Matches
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Deal 40,000 damage in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Deal 50,000 damage in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Take 50,000 damage without dying in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Wardrobe Skin: Arena Gladiator Armor
Wardrobe Skin: Arena Gladiator Armor
Heal 30,000 health in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Heal 50,000 health in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Heal 75,000 health in a single Arena or Crystal Arena match
Mage Statue
Mage Statue

Crystal Arena (21)

Increase your rank in the Crystal Arena
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Reach Iron III Rank in Crystal Arena
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Reach Iron IV Rank in Crystal Arena
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Reach Bronze Rank in Crystal Arena
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Reach Bronze II Rank in Crystal Arena
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Reach Bronze III Rank in Crystal Arena
Arena Sigil (x20)
Arena Sigil (x20)
Reach Bronze IV Rank in Crystal Arena
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Reach Silver Rank in the Crystal Arena
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Hood
Wardrobe Skin: Monk's Hood
Reach Silver II Rank in the Crystal Arena
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Reach Silver III Rank in Crystal Arena
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Reach Silver IV Rank in Crystal Arena
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Reach Gold Rank in Crystal Arena
Crystal Token (5v5 Nonlethal - Lvl. 1)
Crystal Token (5v5 Nonlethal - Lvl. 1)
Reach Gold II Rank in Crystal Arena
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Reach Gold III Rank in Crystal Arena
Wardrobe Skin: Arena Gladiator Helm
Wardrobe Skin: Arena Gladiator Helm
Reach Gold IV Rank in Crystal Arena
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Reach Crytal Rank in Crystal Arena
Crystal Token (20v20 -  Lvl. 1)
Crystal Token (20v20 - Lvl. 1)
Win a match by a 50 point margin
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Win a match by a 75 point margin
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Win a match by a 100 point margin
Wardrobe Skin: Arena Gladiator Cape
Wardrobe Skin: Arena Gladiator Cape
Win a match by a 125 point margin
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Win a match by a 150 point margin
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x50)

Corrupted Dungeons (21)

Defeat the final boss in a Hunter Corrupted Dungeon
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Get 666 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Defeat another player after invading their Corrupted Dungeon
Corrupted Dungeon Map (Hunter)
Corrupted Dungeon Map (Hunter)
Defeat an invading player in a Corrupted Dungeon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Get 2,500 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Defeat 5 players in a Hunter Corrupted Dungeon
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Defeat the final boss in a Stalker Corrupted Dungeon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Get 10,000 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Corrupted Dungeon Map (Stalker/Slayer)
Corrupted Dungeon Map (Stalker/Slayer)
Defeat a player in a Stalker Corrupted Dungeon
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Get 50,000 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Defeat 5 players in a Stalker Corrupted Dungeon
Halloween Scarecrow
Halloween Scarecrow
Unlock the Slayer difficulty in Corrupted Dungeons
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat a player in a Slayer Corrupted Dungeon
Wardrobe Skin: Entertainer's Mask
Wardrobe Skin: Entertainer's Mask
Get 150,000 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat 5 players in a Slayer Corrupted Dungeon
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat 100 players in full-loot Corrupted Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Get 300,000 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Defeat 300 players in full-loot Corrupted Dungeons
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Get 600,000 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Defeat 666 players in full-loot Corrupted Dungeons
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Get 1,000,000 Infamy in Corrupted Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)

Faction Warfare (30)

Enlist in any of the six City Factions
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Capture an Outpost
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Assist in completely capturing another city's zone in Faction Warfare
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Capture 10 Outposts
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Earn a Faction Warfare Daily Reward
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Knock down or assist a knockdown of an enemy faction player
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Reach 15,000 standing with any Faction
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Defeat 2 different Faction Champions
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Reach 30,000 standing with any Faction
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Capture 30 Faction Outposts
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Finish a Trade Mission for any city
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Reach 60,000 standing with any Faction
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Capture 5 Outposts in Red Zones
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3 different Faction Champions
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Kill or assist a kill of an enemy faction player in a Red Zone
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Help repel a Bandit Assault
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Reach 240,000 standing with any Faction
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Capture 100 Outposts
Scroll of Repair
Scroll of Repair
Achieve a standing of 330,000 with any faction
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat all opposing City Faction Warmasters at least once
Any 5 of
Champion of Lymhurst, Champion of Martlock, Champion of Fort Sterling, Champion of Bridgewatch, Champion of Thetford, Bandit Ringleader
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Capture 300 Faction Outposts
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Knock down or assist knockdowns of 30 enemy faction players
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Knock down or assist knockdowns of 100 enemy faction players
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Knock down or assist knockdowns of 300 enemy faction players
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Knock down or assist knockdowns of 1000 enemy faction players
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Kill or assist 10 enemy faction player kills in Red Zones
Tomb of the Unknown
Tomb of the Unknown
Kill or assist 30 enemy faction player kills in Red Zones
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Kill or assist 100 enemy faction player kills in Red Zones
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Kill or assist 300 enemy faction player kills in Red Zones
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Kill or assist 1,000 enemy faction player kills in Red Zones
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)

Open World PvP (32)

Open an open-world Treasure Chest
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Knock down another player in a Yellow Zone
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Open 10 open-world Treasure Chests
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Kill or assist a kill in PvP
Memorial of the Fallen
Memorial of the Fallen
Loot any armor, foot gear and a mount from a killed player at the same time
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Get 200,000 Kill Fame
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Kill 10 players in full-loot regions
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Kill 3 players in the Roads of Avalon
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Kill 25 players in full-loot regions
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Kill 10 players in Static Dungeons
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Get 2 million Kill Fame in the Open World
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Kill 6 players within one minute
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Kill 100 players in full-loot regions
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Get 2 million Kill Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Get 5 million Kill Fame in Static Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Kill 6 players within one minute (not including assists)
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Kill 300 players in the open world
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Get 10 million Kill Fame in Black Zones
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Get 10 million Kill Fame in Static Dungeons
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Get 10 million Kill Fame in the Roads of Avalon
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Get 50 million Kill Fame in Black Zones
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Get 100 million Kill Fame in Black Zones
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Get 500 million Kill Fame in Black Zones
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Open 30 open-world Treasure Chests in full-loot regions
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Open 100 open-world Treasure Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Open 30 Medium Treasure Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Open 10 Large Treasure Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Open 500 open-world Treasure Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Open 300 Medium Treasure Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Open 100 Large Treasure Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Open a Legendary Large Treasure Chest
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Get killed by another player
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight

Hellgates (33)

Enter a Hellgate
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat a Mini Boss in a Hellgate
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat a team of enemy players in any type of Hellgate
Expert's Hellgate Ritual (2v2 - Nonlethal)
Expert's Hellgate Ritual (2v2 - Nonlethal)
Chain 2 Hellgates without returning to the surface
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Gain 10,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x10)
Knock down 10 players in Hellgates
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Defeat 5 Mini Bosses in Hellgates
Friendly Pumpkin Lantern
Friendly Pumpkin Lantern
Defeat a Boss in a Hellgate
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Gain 20,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Chain 5 Hellgates without returning to the surface
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Knock down 50 players in Hellgates
Master's Hellgate Ritual (2v2 - Lethal)
Master's Hellgate Ritual (2v2 - Lethal)
Kill a player in a full-loot Hellgate
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Gain 50,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
Grandmaster's Hellgate Ritual (5v5 - Lethal)
Grandmaster's Hellgate Ritual (5v5 - Lethal)
Defeat a Mini Boss in a 5v5 Hellgate
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat an enemy team in a 5v5 Hellgate
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gain 20,000 Infamy in 5v5 Hellgates
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Knock down 200 players in Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Gain 50,000 Infamy in 5v5 Hellgates
Elder's Hellgate Ritual (10v10 - Lethal)
Elder's Hellgate Ritual (10v10 - Lethal)
Kill 20 players in full-loot Hellgates
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x5)
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver (x5)
Chain 10 Hellgates without returning to the surface
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Kill 50 players in full-loot Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Defeat a Mini Boss in a 10v10 Hellgate
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat an enemy team in a 10v10 Hellgate
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Kill 200 players in full-loot Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Kill 500 players in full-loot Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Kill 1,000 players in full-loot Helgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x40)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x40)
Gain 100,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Gain 250,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x20)
Gain 100,000 Infamy in 5v5 Hellgates
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Gain 250,000 Infamy in 5v5 Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x25)
Gain 50,000 Infamy in 10v10 Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x8)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x8)
Gain 100,000 Infamy in 10v10 Hellgates
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Gain 250,000 Infamy in 10v10 Hellgates
Elder's Bag of Silver (x30)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x30)

Crystal League (17)

Participate in a Crystal League Battle
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Win a 5v5 Crystal League Match
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Win a Rank 2 5v5 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Win a Rank 3 5v5 Crystal League Match
Community Token (x50)
Community Token (x50)
Win a 20v20 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Win a Rank 4 5v5 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Win a Rank 5 5v5 Crystal League Match
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x50)
Win a Rank 6 5v5 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Win a Rank 7 5v5 Crystal League Match
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Cape
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Cape
Win a Rank 8 5v5 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver (x40)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x40)
Win a Rank 9 5v5 Crystal League Match
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Helm
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Helm
Win a Rank 2 20v20 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Win a Rank 3 20v20 Crystal League Match
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Boots
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Boots
Win a Rank 4 20v20 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Win a Rank 5 20v20 Crystal League Match
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x500)
Win a Rank 6 20v20 Crystal League Match
Elder's Bag of Silver (x40)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x40)
Win a Rank 7 20v20 Crystal League Match
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Armor
Wardrobe Skin: Crystal Gladiator Armor

Player Interactions (17)

Start saying something by typing /s in the chat
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Inspect another player
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Duel another player
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Whisper another player by typing /w
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Trade with another player
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Win a duel
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Inspect 10 players
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Win 5 duels
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x3)
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x3)
Trade 10 times with another player
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Inspect 30 players
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Use every emote in the game
Community Token (x5)
Community Token (x5)
Inspect 100 players
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Trade 100 times with another player
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Win 20 duels
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x5)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x5)
Win 100 duels
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Sell a cabbage to another player in a Black Zone.
Community Token (x20)
Community Token (x20)
Talk to yourself...
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight

Parties & Friends (23)

Gain 10,000 Fame in a party
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Gain 50,000 Fame while in a party
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Add a friend to your friend list
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Gain 100,000 Fame while in a party
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Look for a group by typing /lfg in the chat
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Add 3 friends to your friend list
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Gain 300,000 Fame while in a party
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Add 5 friends to your friend list
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Gain 50,000 Fame while in a party of 5 or more players
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gain a million Fame while in a party
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Initiate a Party Ready Check
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Add 10 friends to your friend list
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Visit another player's Personal Island
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Gain 100,000 Fame while in a party of 7 or more players
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Initiate 5 Party Ready Checks
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Gain 3 million Fame while in a party
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Gain 10 million Fame while in a party
Community Token (x30)
Community Token (x30)
Gain 30 million Fame while in a party
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Gain 100 million Fame while in a party
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Gain 30 million Fame while in a party of 5 or more players
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Gain 100 million Fame while in a party of 5 or more players
Community Token (x75)
Community Token (x75)
Gain 10 million Fame while in a party of 20 players
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Gain 100 million Fame while in a party of 20 players
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning

Guilds (22)

Open the Guild Finder
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create or join a guild
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Write in the guild chat by typing /g
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Contribute 10,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Adept's Bag of Silver
Adept's Bag of Silver
Reach Guild Challenge Level 2 with your Guild
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Contribute 40,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Reach Guild Challenge Level 5 with your Guild
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Contribute 90,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Expert's Bag of Silver
Expert's Bag of Silver
Reach Guild Challenge Level 15 with your Guild
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Join or create an Alliance
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Contribute 160,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Contribute 250,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Contribute 400,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Contribute 700,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Contribute 1,200,000 Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Contribute 2 million Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Contribute 5 million Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Contribute 10 million Challenge Points to the Guild Challenge
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Reach Guild Challenge Level 30 with your Guild
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Reach Guild Challenge Level 50 with your Guild
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Reach Guild Challenge Level 75 with your Guild
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Reach Guild Challenge Level 99 with your Guild
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

Crystal Creatures (17)

Defeat a Crystal Creature
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat every type of Crystal Creature
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 5 Crystal Creatures
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Defeat 2 Crystal Creatures in Quality Level 2 Regions
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 10 Crystal Creatures
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Defeat 4 Crystal Creatures in Quality Level 3 Regions
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 20 Crystal Creatures
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat 7 Crystal Creatures in Quality Level 4 Regions
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 40 Crystal Creatures
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Defeat 10 Crystal Creatures in Quality Level 5 Regions
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 65 Crystal Creatures
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat 15 Crystal Creatures in Quality Level 6 Regions
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Crystal Creatures
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Defeat 20 Tier 8 Crystal Creatures in Quality Level 6 Regions
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Defeat 150 Crystal Creatures
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Defeat 220 Crystal Creatures
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Defeat 300 Crystal Creatures
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)

Castles & Castle Outposts (22)

Help loot a Castle Outpost Chest
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Help loot 3 Castle Outpost Chests
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Help loot a Castle Outpost Uncommon Chest
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Help loot 6 Castle Outpost Chests
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Help loot 10 Castle Outpost Chests
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Help loot a Castle Outpost Rare Chest
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Help loot 25 Castle Outpost Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Help loot a Castle Outpost Legendary Chest
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Help loot a Castle Chest
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Help loot 5 Castle Chests
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Help loot a Castle Uncommon Chest
Round Table
Round Table
Deal 20,000 damage to a Castle Gate
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Hammer Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Help loot 10 Castle Chests
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Help loot a Castle Rare Chest
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Deal 100,000 damage to a Castle Gate
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Help loot a Castle Legendary Chest
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Help loot 50 Castle Outpost Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x2)
Help loot 100 Castle Outpost Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Help loot 300 Castle Outpost Chests
Community Token (x300)
Community Token (x300)
Help loot 50 Castle Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x10)
Help loot 100 Castle Chests
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Help loot 100 Legendary Castle Chests
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)

Hideouts (16)

Set a Hideout as your Home
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Successfully transport a Power Core to a Hideout
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Enter a Level 2 Hideout owned by your Guild
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Transport a Blue Power Core to a Hideout
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Transport 5 Power Cores to a Hideout
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Transport a Purple Power Core to a Hideout
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Enter a Level 3 Hideout owned by your Guild
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Transport 20 Power Cores to a Hideout
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Transport 10 Blue Power Cores to a Hideout
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Transport 5 Purple Power Cores to a Hideout
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Transport a Golden Power Core to a Hideout
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Transport 100 Power Cores to a Hideout
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Transport 5 Golden Power Cores to a Hideout
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Transport 300 Power Cores to a Hideout
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Transport 100 Purple or Golden Power Cores to a Hideout
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x5)
Enter your Guild's Headquarter Hideout
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight

Large-Scale Battles (28)

Be part of a player kill with 10 or more assists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Gain a Resilience buff by having 7 players attack you
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Get a Disarray debuff
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Be part of a battle with at least 15 player deaths
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Be part of a player kill with 15 or more assists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Gain a Resilience buff by having 10 players attack you
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Kill or assist in killing 12 players within one minute
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Gain 100,000 Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Be part of a battle with at least 25 player deaths
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Get a Level 10 Disarray debuff
Armored Horse Skin: Expert's Guild Warhorse
Armored Horse Skin: Expert's Guild Warhorse
Be part of a player kill with 19 or more assists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Be part of a battle with at least 40 player deaths
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Kill or assist in killing 20 players within one minute
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Gain 300,000 Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Get a Level 20 Disarray debuff
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Be part of a battle with at least 60 player deaths
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Kill or assist in killing 30 players within one minute
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Hellgate Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Get a Level 30 Disarray debuff
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Gain a million Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Be part of a battle with at least 85 player deaths
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Get a Level 40 Disarray debuff
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Be part of a battle with at least 120 player deaths
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Kill or assist in killing 50 players within one minute
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Gain 3 million Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Be part of a battle with at least 150 player deaths
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Gain 10 million Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Gain 30 million Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Ghost Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Gain 100 million Kill Fame from kills with 10 or more assists
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning

Territories (31)

Claim a Territory with your Guild
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Successfully transport a Power Crystal to a Territory
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat the Sentry Mage in an enemy territory
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Deal 5,000 damage to enemy Fortifications
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 4 Siphoning Mages
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Overgrown Victory Emote Charge (x20)
Transport a Substantial Power Crystal to a Territory
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Deliver 300 Raw Energy to a Territory
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Have every Fortification on your Territory upgraded to Tier 4
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Deal 3,000 damage to Fortification Gates
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Deliver 2,000 Raw Energy to a Territory
Master's Bag of Silver
Master's Bag of Silver
Participate in a successful attack on a territory
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Participate in 10 Raids
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Have every Fortification on your Territory upgraded to Tier 6
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Help open the gate of an enemy territory from within
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Transport an Extraordinary Power Crystal to a Territory
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 30 Siphoning Mages
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Grandmaster's Bag of Silver
Use a Siege Banner on an enemy Territory
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Participate in 30 Raids
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Tombstone Victory Emote Charge (x40)
Transport an Overwhelming Power Crystal to a Territory
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Deliver 10,000 Raw Energy to a Territory
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Participate in 10 successful attacks on a Territory
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Enter a fully upgraded territory that's owned by your guild
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Deal 20,000 damage to Tier 6 or higher Fortifications
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Siphoning Mages
Elder's Bag of Silver
Elder's Bag of Silver
Participate in 100 Raids
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Sword Victory Emote Charge (x100)
Deal 50,000 damage to Tier 8 Fortifications
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Participate in 30 successful attacks on a Territory
Elder's Tome of Insight (x2)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x2)
Deal 20000 damage to Tier 8 Fortification Gates
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Guild Banner Victory Emote Charge (x700)
Deliver 30 Overwhelming Territory Power Crystals
Community Token (x100)
Community Token (x100)
Participate in 100 successful attacks on a Territory
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Elder's Tome of Insight (x5)
Deliver 100 Overwhelming Territory Power Crystals
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)
Elder's Bag of Silver (x15)

Guild Season (17)

Earn 100 Season Points with your Guild
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Earn 300 Season Points with your Guild
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Earn 1,000 Season Points with your Guild
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Earn 2,500 Season Points with your Guild
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Earn 5,000 Season Points with your Guild
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Earn 10,000 Season Points with your Guild
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Earn 20,000 Season Points with your Guild
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Earn 40,000 Season Points with your Guild
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Earn 65,000 Season Points with your Guild
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Earn 100,000 Season Points with your Guild
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Earn 140,000 Season Points with your Guild
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Earn 200,000 Season Points with your Guild
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Earn the Iron Bracket Guild Season Reward or higher
Adept's Crystal Shard (x10)
Adept's Crystal Shard (x10)
Earn the Bronze Bracket Guild Season Reward or higher
Adept's Crystal Shard (x20)
Adept's Crystal Shard (x20)
Earn the Silver Bracket Guild Season Reward or higher
Expert's Crystal Shard (x20)
Expert's Crystal Shard (x20)
Earn the Gold Bracket Guild Season Reward or higher
Expert's Crystal Shard (x30)
Expert's Crystal Shard (x30)
Earn the Crystal Bracket Guild Season Reward or higher
Master's Crystal Shard (x50)
Master's Crystal Shard (x50)

Personal Islands (20)

Get your very own island
Stone well
Stone well
Upgrade your Personal Island to level 2
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Place 3 decoration items on one of your islands
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Upgrade your Personal Island to level 3
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Place 10 decoration items on one of your islands
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Upgrade your Personal Island to level 4
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Be on your Player Island with another player
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Upgrade your Personal Island to level 5
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Be on a Player Island with 2 other players
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Upgrade your island to the maximum of 6/6
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Place 30 decoration items on one of your islands
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Place an Army Crate on your island
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Visit Personal Islands in 3 different Biomes
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Be on a Player Island with 4 other players
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Own 2 Personal Islands simultaneously
Master Ore Miner Tome
Master Ore Miner Tome
Visit Personal Islands in 5 different Biomes
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Visit islands in every biome
Community Token (x20)
Community Token (x20)
Own 3 Personal Islands at level 3 or higher
Grandmaster Ore Miner Tome
Grandmaster Ore Miner Tome
Own 5 Personal Islands at level 4 or higher
Elder Ore Miner Tome
Elder Ore Miner Tome
Own 7 Personal Islands at level 6
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion

Buildings (32)

Build a house on your island
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Place a Tier 2 Chest in your House
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Upgrade your House to Tier 3
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Place 3 furniture items in your House
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Employ any kind of Laborer
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Invest a total of 3,500 Item Value worth of resources into buildings
Adept Quarrier Tome
Adept Quarrier Tome
Upgrade your House to Tier 4
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Build or upgrade a Farming Building to Tier 3
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Upgrade 2 different Farm Buildings to Tier 3
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Invest a total of 15,000 Item Value worth of resources into buildings
Simple lantern
Simple lantern
Upgrade your House to Tier 5
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Send a Laborer on a mission with 100% Yield from Happiness
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Upgrade an Economy Building to Tier 4
Expert Quarrier Tome
Expert Quarrier Tome
Invest a total of 30,000 Item Value worth of resources into buildings
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Upgrade your House to Tier 6
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Upgrade a Farming Building to Tier 5
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Upgrade your House to Tier 7
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Upgrade an Economy Building to Tier 6
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Invest a total of 140,000 Item Value worth of resources into Buildings
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Upgrade a house on your island to Tier 8
Master Quarrier Tome
Master Quarrier Tome
Have a Tier 8 Laborer and send them on a mission
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Upgrade a Military Building to Tier 6
Master Lumberjack Tome
Master Lumberjack Tome
Upgrade an Economy Building to Tier 8
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Upgrade a Farming Building to Tier 8
Grandmaster Lumberjack Tome
Grandmaster Lumberjack Tome
Upgrade a Military Building to Tier 8
Grandmaster Quarrier Tome
Grandmaster Quarrier Tome
Send a Tier 8 Laborer with maxed Happiness on a mission
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Upgrade every Farming Building to Tier 8 at least once
Elder Lumberjack Tome
Elder Lumberjack Tome
Upgrade every Economy Building to Tier 8 at least once
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Upgrade every Military Building to Tier 8 at least once
Elder Quarrier Tome
Elder Quarrier Tome
Invest a total of 500,000 Item Value worth of resources into buildings
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Invest a total of 1 million Item Value worth of resources into buildings
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Invest a total of 3 million Item Value worth of resources into buildings
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion

Farming (32)

Build a Farm on your island
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Farm your first crop
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Harvest 70 Wheat
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Water 20 Crops or Herbs
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Farm Crops worth 5,000 Fame
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Harvest 140 Cabbages
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Farm Crops worth 12,000 Fame
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Build a Herb Garden
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Harvest 70 Herbs
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Harvest 150 Crops or Herbs with a local Yield Bonus
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 100 of each of 8 different types of Crops or Herbs
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Farm Crops and Herbs worth 36,000 Fame
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 150 Crops or Herbs in 10 minutes on a single island
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Harvest 3,000 Crops or Herbs
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Harvest 160 Elusive Foxgloves
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 450 Crops or Herbs in 10 minutes on a single island
Master Fiber Harvester Tome
Master Fiber Harvester Tome
Harvest 4,500 Crops or Herbs
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 200 Tier 7 Crops or Herbs
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Harvest 700 Crops or Herbs in 10 minutes on a single island
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Harvest 400 of each of 12 different types of Crops or Herbs
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 1,000 Crops or Herbs in 10 minutes on a single island
Grandmaster Fiber Harvester Tome
Grandmaster Fiber Harvester Tome
Harvest 1,200 Crops or Herbs in 10 minutes on a single island
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Harvest 1,400 Crops in 10 minutes on a single island
Community Token (x25)
Community Token (x25)
Harvest 1,400 Herbs in 10 minutes on a single island
Community Token (x25)
Community Token (x25)
Farm crops worth 100,000 Fame
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Farm Crops worth 300,000 Fame
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 500 of each of every different type of Crop and Herb
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Farm crops worth 1,000,000 Fame
Elder Fiber Harvester Tome
Elder Fiber Harvester Tome
Farm Crops worth 3,000,000 Fame
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 1,000 Crops on an Outlands Farming Territory
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Harvest 3,000 Crops on an Outlands Farming Territory
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Harvest 10,000 Crops on an Outlands Farming Territory
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion

Animal Breeding (32)

Raise a horse
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Saddle a Horse
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Raise 10 animals
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Collect 30 Eggs from Chickens
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Produce 100 Meat at the Butcher
Wolf Rug
Wolf Rug
Raise 3 different types of animals
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Saddle 5 Mounts
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Raise 6 different types of animals
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Raise a Fawn into a Giant Stag
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Build a Kennel on your island
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Raise a Swiftclaw
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Raise a Faction Warfare Mount
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Raise 10 different types of animals
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Collect milk from farm animals 100 times
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Raise 15 different types of animals
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Raise a Direwolf
Wolf Rider Statue (L)
Wolf Rider Statue (L)
Have offspring from 10 different types of animals
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Master Animal Skinner Tome
Raise 21 different types of animals
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Collect 350 Eggs in 10 minutes on a single island
Wardrobe Skin: Navigator's Red Parrot Cage
Wardrobe Skin: Navigator's Red Parrot Cage
Have offspring from 16 different types of animals
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Have 2 offspring from a single horse
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Produce 2,000 Meat at the Butcher
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Grandmaster Animal Skinner Tome
Collect 900 Eggs in 10 minutes on a single island
Community Token (x20)
Community Token (x20)
Raise a Tier 7 Mount
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Raise 28 different types of animals
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Have Offspring from 21 different types of animals
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Raise a Faction Warfare Elite Mount
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Elder Animal Skinner Tome
Raise 35 different types of animals
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Raise a Mammoth
Community Token (x30)
Community Token (x30)
Raise all different types of animals
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Collect the offspring of a Mammoth
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Have the offspring of every type of animal
Community Token (x75)
Community Token (x75)

Create Food (32)

Create 20 Carrot Soups
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create 5 Simple Fish Baits
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create 10 Bean Salads
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 30 Chopped Fish at the Butcher building
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create 5 Clam Soups
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create 30 Omelettes
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Create 40 Roast Chicken
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 150 Chopped Fish at the Butcher building
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create 10 Goat Butter at a Mill building
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Adept Lumberjack Tome
Create 50 Sandwiches
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 9 Basic Fish Sauces
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create a Food item with Enchantment Level 1
Adept Quarrier Tome
Adept Quarrier Tome
Create 40 Goose Omelettes
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Create an Avalonian Goat Stew
Community Token (x10)
Community Token (x10)
Create every Tier 4 Food item
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Create 20 Food items with Enchantment Level 2
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Expert Ore Miner Tome
Create every Tier 5 Food item
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 50 Potato Salads
Community Token (x20)
Community Token (x20)
Create every Tier 6 Food item
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Create 40 Food items with Enchantment Level 3
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Expert Animal Skinner Tome
Create 100 Food items using the Local Production Bonus
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Shirt
Wardrobe Skin: Innkeeper's Shirt
Create 250 Tier 7 Food items
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Expert Fiber Harvester Tome
Create every Tier 7 Food item
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 250 Tier 7.3 Food items
Decorated Pine Tree
Decorated Pine Tree
Create 250 Tier 7 Food items with Fish
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Create every type of Food item
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 100 Tier 7.3 or Tier 8.3 Avalonian Food items
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Create 1,000 Tier 8 Food items using the Local Production Bonus
Community Token (x25)
Community Token (x25)
Create 1,000 Tier 7.3 or Tier 8.3 Food items
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 10,000 Tier 7 or Tier 8 Fish Food items
Community Token (x60)
Community Token (x60)
Create 10,000 Tier 7.3 or Tier 8.3 Food items
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 100,000 Tier 7 or Tier 8 Food items
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion
Elder's Focus Restoration Potion

Create Potions (28)

Create 10 Healing Potions
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create 15 Gigantify Potions
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create 25 Tier 2 Potions
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Journeyman's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 10 Minor Cleansing Potions
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Create 75 Potions
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create every Tier 3 Potion
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Adept Fiber Harvester Tome
Create 20 Poison Potions
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create 10 Gathering Potions
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 20 Tier 4 Healing Potions
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Adept Animal Skinner Tome
Create 10 Hellfire Potions
Cauldron (Disciples of Morgana)
Cauldron (Disciples of Morgana)
Create 15 Basic Arcane Extracts
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create 10 Potions with Enchantment Level 1
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Adept Ore Miner Tome
Create every Tier 4 Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Adept's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 40 Tier 5 Potions
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Create 50 Potions with Enchantment Level 2
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Create 80 Potato Schnapps
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 20 Major Energy Potions
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Create 100 Potions with Enchantment Level 3
Expert Quarrier Tome
Expert Quarrier Tome
Create every Tier 5 and Tier 6 Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Expert's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 500 Potions
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Expert Lumberjack Tome
Create 100 Potions using the Local Production Bonus
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Create 1,000 Potions
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Create every type of Potion at least once
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 100 Tier 7.3 or Tier 8.3 Potions
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 1,000 Potions with Enchantment Level 3
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Create 3,000 Major Potions
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 10,000 Major Potions
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Master's Focus Restoration Potion
Create 100,000 Major Potions
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion
Grandmaster's Focus Restoration Potion

Guild Islands (17)

Visit a Guild Island
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Have a Guild Hall on your Guild's Island
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Visit a Level 3 Guild Island
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Have a Guild Hall on your Guild's Island upgraded to Tier 4
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Visit a Level 6 Guild Island
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Have a Guild Hall on your Guild's Island upgraded to Tier 8
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Place 100 decorations on one of your Guild's Islands
Community Token (x5)
Community Token (x5)
Earn 100,000 Silver on the Guild Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Earn a million Silver on the Guild Marketplace
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Spend 100,000 silver on the Guild Marketplace
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Spend a million Silver on the Guild Marketplace
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Be on a Guild Island with 5 players at the same time
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Be on a Guild Island with 10 players at the same time
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Be on a Guild Island with 20 players at the same time
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Visit Guild Islands in every biome
Community Token (x15)
Community Token (x15)
Be on a Guild Island with 50 players at the same time
Community Token (x40)
Community Token (x40)
Be on a Guild Island with 150 players at the same time
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning

Heretics (33)

Defeat 25 Miners
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Scavengers
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Gatherers
Adept's Tome of Insight
Adept's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Lumberjack or Chopper
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 500 Foul Rats
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Screamers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Foreman
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 3 Overseers
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 50 Thieves or Cutthroats
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Thug or Rouser
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Poachers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Trapper
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Shooters
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Firestarters or Arsonists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Pyromaniac
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Bouncers or Goons
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Muscle or Bruiser
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Brawlers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Spencer
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Roughneck or Chops
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 25 Mortars
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 5 Cannoneers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Trapmaster or Weaponsmaster
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Hermits, Quacks, Healers, or Wisemen
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Fishy
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Mad Fuzzy or Chief Blaster
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Shadowmask
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Heretics
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 300 Heretics
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Heretics
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3,000 Heretics
Adept's Heretic Crest
Adept's Heretic Crest
Defeat 10,000 Heretics
Master's Heretic Crest
Master's Heretic Crest
Defeat 50,000 Heretics
Elder's Heretic Crest
Elder's Heretic Crest

Undead (31)

Defeat 150 Frail or Brittle Skeletons
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Fragmenters
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 5 Scorpions
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Swordsmen or Revenants
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Swordmaster or Paragon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Frostweavers or Deathmongers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Deathmaster
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Deathlord
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Necromancer or Cryomancer
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 75 Archers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Marksman or Sharpshooter
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Forgotten Champion
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 75 Ghouls
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Lacedon or Ghast
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Possessed Sculptures
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Shades
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 250 Rats
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Bats
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Ghosts
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Banshee
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Knights, Dreadknights, or Animated Armors
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Marshal
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any General
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Hero
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Reaper or Harvester
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Undead
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 300 Undead
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Undead
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3,000 Undead
Adept's Undead Crest
Adept's Undead Crest
Defeat 10,000 Undead
Master's Undead Crest
Master's Undead Crest
Defeat 50,000 Undead
Elder's Undead Crest
Elder's Undead Crest

Keepers (26)

Defeat 10 Rock Elementals
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 10 Living Roots
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Berserkers or Wildlings
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Warrior or Brave
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Patriarch or Chieftain
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 50 Huntress, Knifelings, or Axe-Throwers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Pack Leader or Axe-Maiden
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Axe-Maiden
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 75 Giants
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Athos, Graybeard, or Hulk
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Ancient Athos, Ancient, or Mountain
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 75 Druids, Sharpeyes, Stormbringers, or Adepts
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Elder or Sage
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Elder, Evoker, Savant, or Archdruid
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 150 Keeper Bears
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Cultivators
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Shaman
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 50 Earthchilds or Shamans
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Earthdaughter
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Earthmother, Earth Aspirant, or Great Mother
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Keepers
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 300 Keepers
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Keepers
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3,000 Keepers
Adept's Keeper Crest
Adept's Keeper Crest
Defeat 10,000 Keepers
Master's Keeper Crest
Master's Keeper Crest
Defeat 50,000 Keepers
Elder's Keeper Crest
Elder's Keeper Crest

Disciples of Morgana (28)

Defeat 100 Bats
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 150 Guard Dogs or White Hounds
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 125 Tomes
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Pikemen or Footmen
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Lieutenants or Enforcers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Commander of the Guard
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Squires or Suppressors
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Marksman or Suppression Squad Leader
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Master of Suppression
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Acolytes or Occultists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Ritual Leader or Aspirant
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Magistra, Raven, Fang, Prioress, or Mistress of Demons
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 50 Knights, Paladins, or Champions
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Honoured, Chosen, or Archfiend
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 75 Conjurers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 75 Sorceresses or Infestors
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Favored Sorceress
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Mistress of Magic
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 30 Ravens
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Molten Demons or Spiked Demons
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Tormentor or Jailer
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Demon Prince, Prince of Morgana, or Demon General
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 100 Disciples of Morgana
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 300 Disciples of Morgana
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Disciples of Morgana
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeatl 3,000 Disciples of Morgana
Adept's Morgana Crest
Adept's Morgana Crest
Defeat 10,000 Disciples of Morgana
Master's Morgana Crest
Master's Morgana Crest
Defeat 50,000 Disciples of Morgana
Elder's Morgana Crest
Elder's Morgana Crest

Demons (20)

Defeat 50 Imps
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Spiked Demons
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 10 Slavers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Maulers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 25 Sorcerers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Warlock
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 25 Berserkers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Harbinger
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Horror or Trapped Demon
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Underlord
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 75 Demented Heretic Thieves
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Enthralled Heretic Mages
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 125 Deranged Heretic Arbalists
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 150 Bewildered Heretic Brawlers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Demons
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 300 Demons
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Demons
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 3,000 Demons
Adept's Demon Crest
Adept's Demon Crest
Defeat 10,000 Demons
Master's Demon Crest
Master's Demon Crest
Defeat 50,000 Demons
Elder's Demon Crest
Elder's Demon Crest

Avalonians (28)

Defeat 250 Drones
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Assemblers
Expert's Tome of Insight
Expert's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Foci
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Winged Guards
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Lancers or Spearmen
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Initiates or Monks
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 20 Hunters or Rangers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Archer
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Wizards or Magi
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 50 Acolytes
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Priestess
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any High Priestess
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 50 Mages, Keen Mages, or Spellweavers
Master's Tome of Insight
Master's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Great Mage or Spellweaver
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Great Mage or Archmage
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 25 Warriors
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 15 Knights
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Construct
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Crystal Basilisk
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Knight Captain
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat Sir Bedivere
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Treasure Drone
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Journeyman's Tome of Insight
Defeat 100 Avalonians
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat 250 Avalonians
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat 1,000 Avalonians
Adept's Tome of Learning
Adept's Tome of Learning
Defeat 2,500 Avalonians
Adept's Avalonian Crest
Adept's Avalonian Crest
Defeat 10,000 Avalonians
Master's Avalonian Crest
Master's Avalonian Crest
Defeat 50,000 Avalonians
Elder's Avalonian Crest
Elder's Avalonian Crest

Rare Encounters (20)

Defeat any Shadow Panther
Rugged Shadow Claws (x2)
Rugged Shadow Claws (x2)
Defeat any Sylvian
Rugged Sylvian Root (x2)
Rugged Sylvian Root (x2)
Defeat any Spirit Bear
Rugged Spirit Paws (x2)
Rugged Spirit Paws (x2)
Defeat any Werewolf
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Hellfire Imp
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Runestone Golem
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Dawnbird
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat any Crystal Spider
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Crystal Beetle
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Crystal Cobra
Elder's Tome of Insight
Elder's Tome of Insight
Defeat 5 Arcane Spiderlings
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Veilweaver
Adept's Veilweaver Carapace
Adept's Veilweaver Carapace
Defeat any Griffin
Adept's Untarnished Griffin Feathers
Adept's Untarnished Griffin Feathers
Defeat any Fey Dragon
Adept's Fey Dorsal Wing
Adept's Fey Dorsal Wing
Kill any Colossus in a Randomized Dungeon
Novice's Tome of Learning
Novice's Tome of Learning
Kill any Titan in a Randomized Dungeon
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Journeyman's Tome of Learning
Defeat 10 Vengeful Guardians
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Grandmaster's Tome of Insight
Defeat any Vengeful Guardian Lord
Expert's Tome of Learning
Expert's Tome of Learning
Defeat Uncle Frost
Present Box
Present Box
Defeat Bob
Royal Red Fireworks (x10)
Royal Red Fireworks (x10)
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