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Discover achievements in Albion Online. From PvP milestones to gathering goals, learn about all the achievements you can unlock.

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achievement"Oops"Kill a "Mysterious Stranger" that's your friend or ally
achievementFully FortifiedEnter a fully upgraded territory that's owned by your guild
achievementLet Yourself InHelp open the gate of an enemy territory from within
achievementHunter ExamTrack down a solo Rare Creature
achievementMonster HunterTrack down 7 different solo Rare Creatures
achievementHistorianKill any Colossus in a Randomized Dungeon
achievementMythologistKill any Titan in a Randomized Dungeon
achievementBeyond the VeilFollow a Will o' Wisp into the Mists
achievementCity in the MistsFind the lost city of Brecilien
achievementFriend of WispsGain Accepted status with Brecilien
achievementMythical Beasts......and how to kill them
achievementKing of my CastleHelp loot a Castle Chest
achievementKing of the HillHelp loot a Castle Outpost Chest
achievementRank Up!Increase your rank in the Crystal Arena
achievementSilver GladiatorReach Silver Rank in the Crystal Arena
achievementCabbage MerchantSell a cabbage to another player in a Black Zone.
achievementWinner Takes AllOpen an open-world Treasure Chest
achievementSeasoned Treasure HunterOpen 100 open-world Treasure Chests
achievementHoly DiverGain 10 million Fame in Static Dungeons
achievementDungeon InsiderParticipate in a Static Dungeon Event
achievementKeep On Rollin'Reroll an item at a Repair Station
achievementFinishing TouchCreate a Masterpiece item by rerolling it at a Repair Station
achievementQuality AND QuantityReroll a full stack of 999 items at a Repair Station
achievementBetter than the RestGain your first Elite Level
achievementBest of the Best of the BestGain all Elite Levels in any combat specialization
achievementOmae ha mou shindeiru!Kill 5 enemies at once with the after-effect of the Hundred Striking Fists
achievementHome Sweet HomeSet a Hideout as your Home
achievementCore WorkoutSuccessfully transport a Power Core to a Hideout
achievementCapture the Crystal!Successfully transport a Power Crystal to a Territory
achievementBeen Through HellGain 100,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
achievementHell is My HomeGain 250,000 Infamy in 2v2 Hellgates
achievementI like it...another!Chain 2 Hellgates without returning to the surface
achievementNeither Demon nor ManChain 5 Hellgates without returning to the surface
achievementRip and TearChain 10 Hellgates without returning to the surface
achievementConquerorAssist in completely capturing another city's zone in Faction Warfare
achievementSpring CleaningHelp repel a Bandit Assault
achievementInvader BanishedDefeat an invading player in a Corrupted Dungeon
achievementTarget DestroyedDefeat another player after invading their Corrupted Dungeon
achievementOn and On, South of AvalonUnlock the Slayer difficulty in Corrupted Dungeons
achievementCorrupted No MoreDefeat the final boss in a Hunter Corrupted Dungeon
achievementDemon HunterDefeat 100 enemies in Corrupted Dungeons
achievementExorcistDefeat 1,000 enemies in Corrupted Dungeons
achievementHit the RoadEnter a Road of Avalon
achievementFar Down the Rabbit HoleEnter a Deep Road of Avalon
achievementBig Game Hunter in Another WorldHarvest resources from a Guardian in the Roads of Avalon
achievementGet Outta My Way!Defeat 250 Pathfinder Avalonians in the Roads of Avalon
achievementThis Belongs in a MuseumUnlock 10 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
achievementLoot GoblinsUnlock 100 chests in Avalonian Dungeons
achievementEmpowered!Receive the Ascension buff at the end of an Avalonian Dungeon
achievementIn a League of Their OwnDefeat every Avalonian Dungeon boss type
achievementBound by His OathKill Sir Bedivere in an Elite Randomized Dungeon
achievementCrystal NoviceWin a 5v5 Crystal League Match
achievementCrystal AdeptWin a Rank 3 5v5 Crystal League Match
achievementCrystal GrandmasterWin a Rank 7 5v5 Crystal League Match
achievementPull the PlugDefeat the Sentry Mage in an enemy territory
achievementBlood and SandWin your first Arena match
achievementGladiatorWin 100 Arena or Crystal Arena matches
achievementLost My Chest-ityUnlock your first chest in any kind of Randomized Dungeon.
achievementJust a trim, pleaseUnlock any customization option
achievementLook at my horse, my horse is amazing!Apply any Mount Skin
achievementWolf Amongst SheepRide a Direwolf
achievementNot creepy at all!Inspect 100 players
achievementSalvagingSalvage an item
achievementChug! Chug! Chug!Use any 100 potions
achievementLike a BossHave 5000 Health at any point in time
achievementSilver MillionaireOwn 1 million Silver
achievementJack of All TradesUnlock everything on Tier 4
achievementIt's not a phase, mom!Unlock all Tier 4 weapons and offhands
achievementEmotionalUse every emote in the game
achievementBeginner CrafterCraft Items worth 10,000 Fame
achievementHardworking CrafterCraft Items worth 100,000 Fame
achievementIndustrious CrafterCraft items worth a million Fame
achievementWork, Work!Craft items worth 10 million Fame
achievementStudious CrafterStudy an item
achievementAdept CrafterUnlock any Tier 4 Crafting Profession
achievementMaster CrafterUnlock any Tier 6 Crafting Profession
achievementElder CrafterUnlock any Tier 8 Crafting Profession
achievementExpedition? What's an Expedition?Finish a T3 Solo Expedition
achievementExpedition VeteranFinish every non-hardcore Expedition
achievementThat wasn't so hard...Finish any Hardcore Expedition
achievementTouristVisit all six Royal Cities
achievementHighway to HellEnter a Hellgate
achievementIt's dark in here...Enter a black zone
achievementMy Little FarmFarm your first crop
achievementSeasoned FarmerFarm crops worth 100,000 Fame
achievementMy Epic FarmFarm crops worth 1,000,000 Fame
achievementHorsin' AroundRaise a horse
achievementThis looks interesting!Gather resources worth 10,000 Fame
achievementDeterminedGather resources worth 100,000 Fame
achievementGathering is not a game! It's war!Gather resources worth a million Fame
achievementThief: The Gathering ProjectGather a T8 resource at an enemy territory
achievementAdept GathererUnlock any Tier 4 Gathering Profession
achievementMaster GathererUnlock any Tier 6 Gathering Profession
achievementElder GathererUnlock any Tier 8 Gathering Profession
achievementFishing for ComplimentsCatch your first fish
achievementFishing for More ComplimentsCatch fish worth 10,000 Fame
achievementYou're Gonna Need a Bigger BoatCatch fish worth a million Fame
achievementMy SanctuaryGet your very own island
achievementMy sanctuary. Complete.Upgrade your island to the maximum of 6/6
achievementMy Home is my ShackBuild a house on your island
achievementMy Home is my CastleUpgrade a house on your island to Tier 8
achievementShared WorkloadEmploy any kind of Laborer
achievementYour very own indentured servant!Have a Tier 8 Laborer and send them on a mission
achievementHappy WorkforceSend a Laborer on a mission with 100% Yield from Happiness
achievementMore-ganna dieKill 1000 Morgana mobs
achievementLong Live the King!Defeat the Demon Prince
achievementRecycleKill 1000 Keeper mobs
achievementYo mama is so big...Defeat the Earth Mother
achievementAnd stay down!Kill 1000 Undead mobs
achievementDefeating Death ItselfDefeat the Harvester
achievementNo one expects the Inquisition!Kill 1000 Heretic mobs
achievementThat's a startGain 1,000 Fame from killing mobs
achievementKilling is... fun?Gain 100,000 Fame from killing mobs
achievementDie, Die, Die My Darling!Gain 10,000,000 Fame from killing mobs
achievementCritter KillerKill 100 Tier 1 mobs of any kind
achievementBig Game HunterHarvest resources from Aspects in every biome
achievementModel CitizenReach maximum reputation level
achievementHarmless PersonReach the first positive reputation level
achievementWanted Dead! Not Alive!Reach minimum reputation level
achievementBaddyReach the first negative reputation level
achievementWelcome to AlbionGet killed by another player
achievementAll Your Base are Belong to UsParticipate in a successful attack on a territory
achievementFirst Blood!Kill or assist a kill in PvP
achievementThis. Is. Albion!Kill 300 players in the open world
achievementM-m-m-monster Kill!Kill 6 players within one minute
achievementGive me your clothes, your boots and your mount...Loot any armor, foot gear and a mount from a killed player at the same time
achievementTonight We Dine in Hell!Defeat a team of enemy players in any type of Hellgate
achievementMore Fun TogetherCreate or join a guild
achievementAlone No LongerAdd a friend to your friend list
achievementSmugglerSell any item on the Black Market in Caerleon
achievementSold!Sell any item through the Marketplace
achievementEntrepreneurSell items worth 100,000 Silver at the Marketplace
achievementGrand MerchantSell items worth 1,000,000 Silver at the Marketplace
achievementTycoonSell items worth 10,000,000 Silver at the Marketplace
achievementWE. NEED. YOU.Enlist in any of the six City Factions
achievementGet off my lawn!Capture an Outpost
achievementFrontier JusticeCapture 10 Outposts
achievementNapoleon ComplexCapture 100 Outposts
achievementNew Sheriff in TownDefeat all opposing City Faction Warmasters at least once
achievementPartisanAchieve a standing of 330,000 with any faction
achievementSafe PassageFinish a Trade Mission for any city
achievementTurn it up to 11!Overcharge one or more equipped items
achievementParty Time!Use the Party Finder to form or join a party
achievementCast AwayTutorial completed
achievementWhatever Floats Your BoatFix Captain Tia's ship
achievementInto the UnknownFinish a T3 Solo Dungeon
achievementTomb RaiderFinish 1,000 Solo Dungeons
achievementSeen it AllKill the legendary Morgana Demon General, Keeper Earth Aspirant, Undead Reaper, and Heretic Shadowmask
achievementMy precious!Unlock 10 chests in Solo Dungeons
achievementTreasure HunterUnlock 100 chests in Solo Dungeons
achievementMind if I roll need?Unlock 10 chests in Group Dungeons
achievementChest RatUnlock 100 chests in Group Dungeons
achievementCrystal League ChroniclesParticipate in a Crystal League Battle
achievementOne Year of ServiceBe part of Albion for one year
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