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Bloodmoon Staff Group Dungeon BuildBloodmoon Staff Group Dungeon Build

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Arreat Regaro
Updated 16/12/2024
Fame Farm (Solo)
Fame FarmGroup DungeonOpen WorldPVE

Bloodmoon Staff
Bloodmoon Staff
Reality FissureDistortionWerewolf TransformationAltered Beast
Specter Hood
Specter Hood
Flash of InsightBalanced Mind
Hellion Jacket
Hellion Jacket
Life Steal AuraBalanced Mind
Soldier Boots
Soldier Boots
Rejuvenating SprintToughness
Avalonian Cape
Avalonian Cape
Thetford Cape
Thetford Cape

PotionInvisibility Potion
PorkRoast Pork
Puremist SnapperRoasted Puremist Snapper


BagBloodmoon StaffPotion
Specter HoodHellion JacketSoldier Boots
Avalonian Cape
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